Odor Bag


We have the solution to remove unwanted odors from vents in sewage plants, toilets, grease separators, pump stations, etc. Replaces vacuum valves and is cheaper in the long run as the Odor bag is recycled.

Installation film can be found further down the page along with customer reviews of Sorbonite®, which effectively removes bacteria and thus unwanted odors. If you want to become a business customer, you can send an application – Simply apply further down the page.

Contact us at info@xodor.se if you have any questions.

*The odor bag is design protected and all filter solutions for air applications with Sorbonite® are patent protected


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On the news page you will find the latest articles about the technology and Xodor’s development

What is customers saying about Sorbonite®

When we switched to Sorbonite® in the kitchen hood, I don’t smell any fishy air in the room after cooking the salmon.


”Have used Sorbonite® in our carbon filter fan and can say that the difference in effect was big compared to the active carbon. Can really recommend Sorbonite® for kitchen hoods!”


After trying different solutions with carbon filters to remove odors from our grease trap, we wanted to find a new solution. Certainly the carbon filter removed odors for 3-4 months but then we had to buy a new filter. I then contacted Xodor, tried Sorbonite ® and was pleasantly surprised partly by the fact that the filter material removed all odors but also lasted much longer than the carbon filter. We now have Sorbonite ® in our container which we can easily replace when it starts to run out and spread the used material in our flower beds. Highly recommended! (Xodor’s comment: Installed 2020-02-06 and changed to an Odörsäck 2024-08-13)

Nicklas –Farbror Blå Restaurant & Bar Sigtuna, Sweden

”Vi har provat Sorbonite® i ett år nu med mycket bra resultat.  Vi har det till vår trekammarbrunn.

Dels i en korg under locket till tanken samt en i avluftningsröret vid infiltrationsbädden.

Vi hade en hel del dålig lukt innan. Nu är det borta. Våra grannar har skaffat samma  till sin avluftning som är nära vår.

Det är vi glada för.”


Xodors odörsäck
